Captain Scores Winning Hoop!

May 16th 2024

Peter Hall, Neil & Monica Baker played their initial competitive AC match v Bristol in SWF B League. Tony Jackson was 4th team member. The match was played in good spirit.

In the morning Neil partnered Tony J in Doubles winning 13-11 (Neil accidentally posting Tony with an overenthusiastic rush). Peter (17-9) & Monica (12-11) won their respective singles so Bath led 3-0 at lunch.

In the afternoon Bristol recovered and won 3 singles matches. Tony J was contesting the final singles match with the score at 16-16 when time was called with both players on 4 Back. The Bristol player put the ball 1 foot in front of the hoop. Tony took off to the hoop. Simple roquet and hoop run from 6 feet was all that was needed. Tony’s roquet was true, struck the Bristol ball …….. and peeled the ball to give victory to Bristol.

Final match score was 4-3 to Bristol. Good show from a novice team let down by the captain. (Note: This report was written by Tony J and the last sentence should not be taken as the opinion of website editor)