Bath AC Federation Team melt in the Bristol sun

July 31st 2021

After playing much of their previous match in rain, the team played Bristol in Saharan conditions, neither lawn offering any shade. The lawns were fast making both hoop approaches and risk of running off the lawn hazardous. Peter Miles and Richard Jelly, the doubles pairing, had opportunities a plenty but were unable to match the husband/wife Soakall team on the day, losing 15-10. On the other lawn all players had difficulty finding rhythm – Philip won, Bob lost.
The afternoon proved to be no easier. The excitement of anyone pegging out was as remote as rain in Death Valley (less than 5mm a year, if you are interested). There can be few seven game matches with a lower number of hoops run; heat and ball/hoop expansion? Three of the four afternoon matches were won or lost by two hoops or less. Three losses and one win resulting in a 2-5 loss, left Bristol undefeated and winners of the SWF Federation Central League. Baron Pierre de Coubertin said of the Olympic Games, “The most important thing is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” Well, we took part – in the sun!

Richard Jelly 21 July 2021