A good start to the season for Bath GC HH team’s first home match v Camerton & Peasedown.

May 16th 2024

Sunny conditions and playing on three recently mowed full lawns proved most welcome for both teams in their efforts. Camerton had 6 players. Their handicaps ranged from 9 to 16. While Bath fielded 7 players – handicaps between 9 and 12. It was advised by Bath’s referee, Tony Curson, that games should be untimed (default position as stated in SW Federation rules), which both captains agreed to, even though both teams were more accustomed to playing the usual 50 minute timed games.
After the first 2 hours Bath were ahead by one game, with Camerton playing robustly in both doubles and singles. Camerton’s Patricia Naish (9) proved a canny opponent, playing very skillfully. By lunchtime the score was to Bath’s advantage at 9 with Camerton at 3, and both teams were advised to speed up play to ensure that the match was finished in reasonable time. Afternoon play continued at a brisker pace with six games going to golden hoop. By 5 pm the final game had been played, and it was a win for Bath at 15/5.
Katie Rhode -Chadder displayed stamina during the match, one untimed game lasted well over an hour. Feona Bickley made an excellent start in her first match playing for Bath. Timothy Cantell, Huw Thomas and Valerie Stanley played strongly throughout the whole match.
Final Score Bath: 15- Camerton and Peasedown: 5
Bath team : Huw Thomas, Valerie Stanley, Clare Fletcher, Katie Rhodes-Chadder, Timothy Cantell, Feona Bickley, Mary-Jane Middlehurst